Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

44 at Bend Library

There's no money being made, there's no fame, no interviews, no guest lectures, no invites to writers' conferences, no hors d'oevres on shiny silver platters, no parade, no key to the city.

But damn, 44 is now available at our local library here in Bend and this really makes me happy!

Hope you're having a great Wednesday, wherever you may be~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Plenty of Pie

I'm with JA Konrath on the pie debate.
There's plenty.
But it's up to the writer to come to the table with a hungry heart, wild mind, and a plate.
Bon Appetit, wherever you are~

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Monday

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."
Joseph Campbell

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, Sunday....

I love Sundays. And Sundays in autumn, man, now we are talking good times. 
Today, in celebration of fall, I'm writing and cooking. Writing because I'm on a deadline and cooking dinner because it's time to celebrate the new season. Cornish hens, potato/yellow pepper/sweet potato feta bake, and an apple tart.
Better get working...
I took this picture when we were hiking up the Green Lakes Trail last week. I'll have a post on it soon with more pictures of my favorite hike in Oregon :)
Hope you are having a fabulous Sunday, wherever you are!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Fall, Y'All....

Summer is officially over, which means for us here in the Jools' household, the Halloween Countdown has begun!
Hope you're having a fabulous fall day, wherever you are!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sometimes I'm just too darn lazy to add my own ending to a movie. In fact, most of the time I don't like to. After investing an hour and a half or so, I want to be told what happens. Heck, it's not my story! Tell me how it ends!
Case in Point: Meek's Cutoff. I really liked this movie about some families heading west on the Oregon Trail and getting lost, but it needed an ending.
Beginnings and endings are important.
Anyway, I took these photos a few days ago around Old Mill and figured they paired nicely with my thoughts after watching the movie last night.
Hope you are having some fabulous last days of summer! Yaw!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Beautiful Day...

Wow! It was such a great day here in Bend and I was lucky enough to get out and play in it for a while! I grabbed my camera and strolled by the river, got lost in the thousands of wildflowers over by Old Mill, and buried my toes in the grass at Riverbend Park. Pure Bend magic...
Hope you're enjoying a beautiful September day, wherever you are!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Feel it Coming in the Air.....

I love September. I love it for a lot of reasons, mostly because it's a month that changes. From summer to fall, from hot to warm to cool, from lazy days to busy days.

Okay, another reason I love September is because it's my birthday month and I really do love my birthday. At least, most years I do. I usually spend a part of the day reflecting and projecting, thinking about the happenings of the past year and the dreams of the coming one.

Last year, one of the most exciting things that happened in my life was that I started writing books. I was finally able to quiet my restless mind and sit with my thoughts for long periods of time and write. Although I've always written articles and columns and short stories, this was the first time I was able to write novels. And that's something I've always wanted to do. This was so huge and the funny thing now is that looking back on it, it really wasn't that huge at all. At some magical moment last year, it just became the next logical step. And now, poof, I write books. It's just what I do.

This next year, I plan to continue. I have plans to finish the 44 trilogy and maybe even extend it on. Book 2 will be out sometime in October. (My sincere apologies for Book 2 being a little late.And thank you to those who have written wondering where it is!). I also have a few other ideas as well.

Speaking of cool presents (right? birthdays and all) I got a new digital camera this last week and I absolutely love it! I have high hopes that it will pump some new life into this blog.
Hope you are having an excellent Saturday~
