Monday, February 13, 2012

Just a few hours away!

I'm SO excited to announce that 44 Book Three will be available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in just a few short hours!

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody and happy reading!



  1. Great! I have been refreshing my Amazon since this morning, trying to see if it is already on Kindle store. I am in Manila, so the time delay disappoints... lol! I started reading 44 this weekend only and I've been hooked eversince. Proof is on our website -, we have posted a couple of posts on your book. And I am now planning on including Central Oregon in my next trip to the US. Good luck Jools! I’m really so happy to have discovered you.

    1. Hi, People v.XYZ!
      Thank you SO much People! Your email made me smile...I agree...sometimes those time delays are frustrating!
      I'm off to check out your website...and I'm so glad to hear that Central Oregon is on the schedule when you visit! You will LOVE it:)
